This program is on-site, hands-on and provided by the Focus on the Family approved trainer, Sonography Now.
The Option Ultrasound Program is now offering to cover 80% of the cost for one of five training packages.
One-week Training-$4,000—it is recommended that Sonography Now provide this one-week training after the medical professional has completed 30 supervised scans with a local RDMS. This enables Sonography Now to certify the medical professional in limited ultrasound and to offer post-training consultation.
Two-week Training-$8,000—Successful completion of this two-week training course certifies the medical professional to begin independent limited ultrasound scanning. Ultrasound will impact the volunteers and counseling practices of the center, and Sonography Now facilitates the smooth transition to becoming a Medical Center.
Advance Training-$8,000—This advanced, two-week program includes four days of didactic work as well as the execution of newly acquired scanning skills in the first week. The second four-day week is scheduled one month later to allow the medical professional time to utilize new skills and formulate questions. A competency scan concludes the second week of training.
Certification-$2,000—This program is recommended for the medical professional with a minimum of one year experience seeking certification in ultrasound.
Polish Skills-$2,000—“Polish Your Skills” training is customized to the needs of the medical professional. It may be a medical professional that trained on an older machine and needs a small amount of hands-on training to optimize use of newer technology, a group who wants to fine tune the scanning operations of the PCC, or a medical professional who wants to review policies and setup. This is a very customized training developed to accommodate those with specific needs and interests.
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