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The Business of Stewardship
It's very disheartening to hear someone in leadership say “This is a ministry, not a business,” implying that the application of business principles is somehow “anti-God.” As a Pastor, turned PRC Executive Director, turned Professional Development Specialist, I've had to keep business management principles in line with scriptural mandates. Therefore, I'm naturally passionate about helping PRCs become successful by applying tried and true business practices to their ministry. Legally, the PRC Board is required to assure the public that their organization is practicing solid business principles. And, at the same time, assure that the PRC never waivers in providing an opportunity to share the love of Christ. The Board is called to be faithful stewards of a ministry/business that is owned by someone else. Unfortunately, many Boards may unintentionally sacrifice either the ministry side or the business side for the sake of the other. A problem arises when a Board considers business and ministry diametrically opposed rather than understanding that both are essential. Jesus taught that being faithful with “unrighteous wealth" (non-spiritual, earthly business principles), provides the opportunity to be entrusted with true riches (spiritual ministry). Christ's discourse in Luke 16:11-13 reads, “You cannot serve God and money.” Sadly, many take this verse out of context and believe that practicing business implies “serving money.” Instead it is quite clear that the issue is faithful stewardship of riches, regardless of whether or not they are "spiritual." Boards have a responsibility to God to assure that the ministry is operating according to mission strategies and Divine direction. They must understand that their mission is only accomplished through the application of solid, sound, “A-spiritual” business practices such as planning, monitoring, accounting, and evaluation. Boards must understand that if God can get his message out through the mouth of a donkey, he can surely accomplish His calling for the PRC through worldly business practices. The following books from my library may provide additional insight into Stewardship. They are not all “Christian” in their perspective, but they provide sound direction for Boards interested in becoming better stewards.
Stewardship: The Biblical Basis for Living by Ben Gill Bruce E. Cole is Manager of Professional Development Services in the Sanctity of Human Life Department at Focus on the Family. He has been Executive Director for two Pregnancy Resource Centers, is a former pastor, and holds a Master's Degree in Organization Development from Central Washington University. Bruce can be reached at [email protected]
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