The Gift of Life
by Carol Anderson
Share the what a gift life can be through this drama.
Date Rape and Emergency Contraception
by Paul C. Reisser, M.D. and T
You may have heard of emergency contraception, better known as the “morning after” pill, for a woman who has had unplanned, unprotected or forced sex and is concerned about the possibility of pregnancy. What exactly is this medication, and how does it work?
The Greatest Moral Evil of Our Time
by John Ensor
Dr. James Dobson said, "I consider abortion to be the greatest moral evil of our time, because of the worth of those little babies." Is Dobson correct? Does abortion rise to that level, or is it just one social evil among equals (homelessness, fatherlessness, hunger, etc.)
The Sanctity of Human Life
by Raul Reyes
The gates of hell have been flung open and war has been declared upon the most innocent and defenseless among us. Why?
Why Carry a Dying Child?
by Fr. Frank Pavone, Priests
The diagnosis that an unborn child has a
life-threatening disease or anomaly is a
particularly heavy cross for a family to bear.
Our "Tess-timony"
by Nina Fuller
A testimony about how one person's adverse pregnancy diagnosis changed her life forever.
Our Son Joe
from Focus on the Family
The following letter was written to
Dr. Dobson recently from the father of a child
born with Spina Bifida.
Sanctity of Life 101
by Pregnancy Resource Ministry
This slide show will make it easy to talk about
the sanctity of life with those who are not
aware of the basic concepts of the sanctity of
human life message.
The Price Tag of Love
by Tiffany Stuart
Is there a price for love? I paid a price when, during my late teens and early twenties, I abandoned my faith in God for life in the fast lane.
A Thank You to Pregnancy Resource Directors
by Lysa TerKeurst
Oh, I was a master at hiding my hurt and fear but this day was harder than most. I walked into the interview totally unprepared for what God was about to do in my heart.
Abortion Risks
by David Reardon, Ph.D.
While abortion seems like a "quick fix" for a long-term problem, it is a permanent decision that has physical, emotional and spiritual risks to the mother of the baby.
Abortion Statistics
by Pregnancy Resource Ministry
Here is a summary of abortion statistics since 1973.
Abortion Statistics-Who and Why?
by Pregnancy Resource Ministry
The U.S. Supreme Court has given women
the right to choose. The ruling, known as Roe vs. Wade , giving women the right to decide whether or not to bear children reads as follows:
Abortion and Increased Risk of Breast Cancer
by Focus on the Family
Among women who had been pregnant at least once, the risk of breast cancer in those who had experienced an induced abortion was 50% higher than among other women.
Abortion and the African-American Community
by Peggy Lehner
While only 14% of the women in the U.S. of childbearing age are African American, the most recent national statistics (1997) show that 35.9% of all abortions were performed on African-American women.
Abortion and the Born-Again Christian
by Rev. John Ensor
One out of every six abortions are performed on women who identify themselves as “born again” Christians. With some 1.5 million women submitting to abortion each year, this equals 250,000 evangelically oriented Christians aborting annually.
Abortion is Big, Profitable Business
by Julie Parton, Ph.D.
This is a press release by STOPP
International on April 15, 2002. STOPP
International is a division of American Life
League and is dedicated to fighting Planned
Parenthood's anti-life agenda.
Are You a Prisoner of Abortion?
by Pregnancy Resource Ministry
Consider which of the following might indicate that the abortion in your past still holds you prisoner.
Feeling Pressured Into an Abortion?
by David Reardon, Ph.D.
Women who feel pressured to choose abortion in order to comply with the needs or wishes of others are at high risk.
Healing After Abortion
by Teri Reisser, MA, MFT
If you have ever had an abortion, you probably feel very much alone with the memories of your experience. Perhaps the father of the baby has long since passed out of your life. Or it seems as if no one wants to hear about your pain anymore. So you’ve taken all those complicated feelings surrounding the abortion decision and stuffed them down and tried not to think about them,right?
RU 486 Sure?
by Pregnancy Resource Ministry
Know the Facts About the "abortion pill" before you decide.
Reaching the 21st Century Woman
by Yvonne Williams
Vital new research of abortion-vulnerable young women was conducted in Colorado less then a year ago. This groundbreaking research became the basis for a bold new multi-media campaign that's scheduled to reach the market this year.
Until Then
by Julie Landis Kepler
A mother writes poignant poems about her aborted child.
What is RU 486?
by Pregnancy Resource Ministry
Mifepristone/RU-486 is the first in a two-drug chemical abortion technique given to women who are up to seven weeks pregnant.
Who Has Abortions?
by Pregnancy Resource Ministry
Based on these statistics, 5.6 million women in our churches have chosen abortion as a way out of an unwanted pregnancy.
God as Creator
by Brian Bill
God is the Creator of Life. Learn several reasons why we can accept this amazing truth.
Behind the Walls
by Rebeka Nancarrow
Some have said my story is unique in that I
have had the rare experience of being behind
the walls of a Planned Parenthood Abortion