Embracing the Challenge of Change
by Kim Conroy
Learn about the challenges of change that Focus in experiencing and learn what this means for pregnancy resource centers.
Sonography Now Snippets
by Connie Ambrecht
As on-site trainer for Focus on the Family's Option Ultrasound™ program, I am privileged to share some very touching scenes from mothers and fathers viewing their children on the ultrasound screen for the very first time.
Ministry Profile
by Pregnancy Resource Ministry
Ministry Profile for Option Ultrasound
A Message From the Project Consultant
by Darlene Norberg
God has done so many new things in my life in my ten years as a pregnancy resource center director, both professionally and personally. Here is my message to pregnancy center directors
A Thank You Note
by Cindi Boston
We would like to thank the Focus on the Family team for investing in centers across the nation.
About Option Ultrasound ™
by Pregnancy Resource Ministry
Pregnancy Center Directors can read here to receive current updates about the Option Ultrasound ™ program
An Amazing 24 Hours in the Clinic
by Pregnancy Resource Ministry
Read the stories of seven
women who came to our clinic and whose
hearts were changed, all during one 24-hour
Choice of a Lifetime
by Focus on the Family
Making an abortion decision is more than "assuming" an abortion is a simple lunch-hour procedure. Making an informed decision about abortion involves gathering information
Clinton, Iowa Comes Full Circle
by Trudy M. Johnson
After cutting the ceremonial ribbon, the audience joined in a chorus of "To God Be the Glory, Great Things He Has Done." They understood why the glory and honor goes to Him.
Competency Scans
by Pregnancy Resource Ministry
This program is on-site, hands-on and provided by the Focus on the Family approved trainer, Sonography Now.
Didactic Training
by Pregnancy Resource Ministry
Ultrasound training is available for those wanting to be involved in some manner
First Day, First Client
by Connie Ambrecht
“Just thought I’d let you know that the first client scheduled for an ultrasound training is abortion-minded. In fact, she’s already been to the abortion clinic, paid her money, and is scheduled to go back this week, on Wednesday.”
From Still-Life to Pro-Life
by Chris Jeub
As I watched my daughter rolling and kicking
and basically enjoying herself within the
womb, my eyes were opened to the
significance and value of life.
I Had No Idea
by Connie Ambrecht
She entered the exam room with a smile so large the rest of her face seemed to disappear. I remember thinking, "How could she be so happy while contemplating having an abortion?"
Iowa PRC Receives First Ultrasound
by Pregnancy Resource Ministry
On May 7, the Clinton, Iowa Pregnancy Resource Center will become the first facility in the United States to receive ultrasound services through Focus on the Family’s new Option Ultrasound program.
Jessie's Story
by Jana Elliott
Jessie was struggling with the most important decision of her life. She was pregnant and alone.
Jolene's Baby
by Jana Elliott
Though Jolene hadn't made a final decision, she had a lot to think about after seeing her unborn baby sucking it's thumb and wiggling about in the in the ultrasound procedure.
Knit Together for a Purpose
byLinda Ellis with Annie Mille
Working as an obstetrical nurse for years, I explain to soon-to-be parents that their baby knows their voices before they are born
Meeting Us Where We Are
by Connie Ambrecht
Tears rolled down her cheeks and settled on the pillow. Her face moved from the ultrasound screen to the eyes of the baby’s father.
Miracles Do Happen
by Mary C. Rutherford
We wanted the Focus staff and contributors who made the ultrasound machine in our clinic possible to know that your generosity has resulted in another birth for glory to God and another mother who will blessed with a choice for life. God bless you!
Obedience, Not Results
by Connie Ambrecht
"Can you tell me exactly when I got pregnant?” I hear this question a lot from girls in unplanned pregnancies
Option Ultrasound Program
by Pregnancy Resource Ministry
For 25 years, ultrasound has been an invaluable medical tool allowing us to highlight the reality of life inside the womb. Option Ultrasound Program is aiding the cause.
Option Ultrasound™ Update
by Yvette Maher
In January of this year, Focus on the Family launched a new program for pregnancy centers that could dramatically increase the results of your lifesaving, life-transforming efforts.
Pregnancy Resource Ministry
by Julie A. Parton, Ph.D.
I’m writing to give you a “heads-up” on an exciting project that our Pregnancy Resource
Ministry here at Focus on the Family is embarking upon.
Many of your centers already offer ultrasound services to your clients, so you’re aware of the
impact it has.
Quiet No Longer
by Angie Andino
She informed me that ultrasound was only used to know what type of abortion the doctors should perform
Revealing Life to Save Life
by Pregnancy Resource Ministry
Focus on the Family proposes to help equip 650 additional Pregnancy Resource Centers with ultrasound machines by the year 2010.
So Glad You Called
by Connie Ambrecht
Does God call from heaven to work in people's lives? After reading this incredible story, you might want to believe He does!
Supporting Option Ultrasound™
by Pregnancy Resource Ministry
Focus on the Family welcomes any support you would like to provide for Option Ultrasound. ™
Tolerant Parents
by Connie Ambrecht
The girl we prayed for showed up with her mom. The mom seemed surprised about her daughter’s pregnancy; however, she was not condemning towards her. Even though the mom didn’t believe in abortion, she left the final decision to her daughter
Ultrasound Images Help Mom Decide
by Christine Reyes
Life Network and The Colorado Springs Pregnancy Center want to thank Focus on the Family for this incredible life-giving gift of an ultrasound machine
Ultrasound Impacts Lives
by Maureen C. Yockey
The lives of women, men and their unborn babies will be impacted each day as we utilize ultrasound to vividly show tiny hearts beating.
Ultrasound Prescreening Questionnaire
by Pregnancy Resource Ministry
Here is the questionnaire that pregnancy centers must submit if they are interested in being part of Option Ultrasound.
Ultrasound Success Stories
by Pregnancy Resource Ministry
Here are some comments from abortion-minded clients who changed their minds after viewing an ultrasound of their baby in a pregnancy resource clinic.
Ultrasound Testimonies
by Pregnancy Resource Ministry
Read these poignant stories from those who have experienced the wonder of ultrasound first hand
Words Tell it All
by Connie Ambrecht
“Scared, excited, apprehensive, miracle, and unbelievable”, those are the words used by medical personnel as they begin ultrasound training.